About this blog

I write Señora Speedy to help me reflect and record the lessons that I teach. I find that writing posts here helps me reflect on what I'm doing in class and why. It also helps to remind me to keep doing what works and to drop what isn't. My hope is that my ramblings here will help other world language teachers as well as students and parents of students studying another language in their own classes and studies.

I teach Spanish but when I'm talking about procedures or lesson ideas I will write in English for the benefit of teachers of other languages. Anything I do in my classes can easily be adapted for another language. I taught English for 3 years in Japan before returning to the US and getting my teaching credential in Spanish. You better believe a lot of the activities that I found worked with my Japanese classes have found their way into my American classroom.

I love to collaborate with other teachers. Please comment or contact me if you have any questions or ideas to share!


  1. Could I get a copy of the I can do statements sheet? My email is analovely2007@yahoo.com

  2. I would love a copy of your "can do" statements also? My email address is

  3. I'd love a copy, too. stebo@waukesha.k12.wi.us

  4. I would like a copy of your CAN DO statements please. comamac@hotmail.com

  5. Hi! First of all I wanted to say I love your blog! I'm glad I came across it today! I can relate to many of your stories, etc. I have about 800 students between 3 different schools.

    I already do a lot of the activities you use and found a lot of great ideas! You inspired me to start a blog (maybe someday!)

    I noticed that you use Calico Spanish. I have the curriculum too. I'm trying to figure how to best use it. How do you use it? And do you use it with all of your grade levels?

    1. I don't currently use it with all grade levels, just K-2 at the moment. But I think I will start with everyone next year just because it makes my planning so much easier.

      I really like how the curriculum is sequenced and I use it as my jumping off point. I follow the schedule and teach the vocabulary and use the songs for each chapter, but I add a lot of other activities to go along with them. I take WAY longer than the 10 days that the schedule suggests. For example, we sang the Chocolate song from Chapter 4 in 1st grade last month but we also did the Chocolate graph project as well as read and acted out Ricitos de oro y los tres osos.

      Thanks for reading! If you ever have any ideas to share or want to chat about classes just comment here or find me on facebook or twitter (@Sra_Kennedy)

  6. Hi,
    I write the blog Spanish Playground. I'm writing a post about useful Facebook pages to follow and would love to include yours. I would like to incorporate a screen shot of your Facebook cover into a collage as a feature image for the post. Please let me know if that is okay with you. You can email me at playground.spanish@gmail.com Thanks!
