Thursday, April 30, 2020

Cinco de mayo Activities for Elementary Students

I'm going to be honest and say that I don't normally teach Cinco de mayo. It doesn't fit easily into my curriculum and I don't usually have time, but now with non-traditional instruction I've had parents ask me about it so I went ahead and compiled some links and activities for students to do at home.

Watch a video from PBS Learning Media about how Cinco de mayo is NOT Mexican Independence Day.

PBS also has interactive word searches for different grade levels. Students can color the Mexican flag - they can print it out OR color online.

These cute maracas make for a fun at home craft. And this video from 123 Andrés is adorable and fun! It is bilingual but introduces the instrument names in Spanish.

Here is another video (in English) highlighting the music of Mexico. I like this one because it teaches the kids some lyrics in Spanish.

Cinco de mayo is a great way to highlight some Mexican culture! What are your favorite resources for this time of year? Share in the comments below!


  1. I am like you in that I usually do not have enough instructional time to fit in an entire unit on Cinco de Mayo. This year however, I used some of the same resources that you listed above as well as this video for children on how to create a pinata. Students seemed to really enjoy this activity!

  2. Your article is very nice & informative, thanks for the sharing with us.
