Saturday, March 19, 2016

El Ráton Pérez craftivity

I've written about teaching el Ráton Pérez with kindergarten. It's a great way to connect kid's culture to the classroom and explore different cultural perspectives. Plus my kiddos are already telling me how loose their teeth are and how many they've lost so they might as well say it in Spanish. Read that post here! It has lots of resources!

This year we ended the unit with a cute craftivity that let the students act out and "play" Ráton Pérez at home. First students cut out two circles - one with el diente and one with la moneda. Then they glue them together so that on one side they have their tooth and the coin on the other.

Once they have their diente/moneda piece, they take a piece of construction paper and make la almohada. 

We "played" Ráton Pérez by saying, "¡Se me cayó el diente! Estoy cansada. Buenas noches."  Then we put our diente under our paper almohada and pretended to go to sleep. (Loud snoring is encouraged.) Then we "wake up," flip over our diente and discover that Ráton Pérez has left us some moneda. "¡Oh sí! ¡Moneda para mí! Gracias Ráton Pérez."

There is a little explanation in English so my families can understand exactly what their child is playing when they get home. (Just in case my kindergarteners don't explain it clearly.)  I'm still taking names for our diente poster but this was a good way to formally wrap up our unit. 

Do you teach about Ráton Pérez? What resources do you use? Do you send home items with your students? Share in the comments below!

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