
Wednesday, June 18, 2014


No posts lately due to grad school and end of the year craziness combined and then the school year ended and I've spent the last week and a half taking some time to breathe and visiting friends and family out of town.

But now I'm back and working from my couch with Despierta America on in the background as I plan out next year. As I'm planning I'm using several documents to guide me:

ACTFL Can Do Statements: Most of my I can statements are direct quotes of this document (although a few are changed a little to fit my needs.)

Kentucky World Language Standards

JCPS World Language Frameworks and Curriculum Maps: Jefferson County just released their newly revised curriculum. I liked the documents they had before but these are even better because they have maps specifically for elementary school. They even suggest which vocabulary to teach with each unit. I won't use it exactly the way they have it outlined but it's a great jumping off point.

I also recently discovered that my own district had an elementary curriculum that I was supposed to be using but that no one had given me. I'm referencing that as well although it will also be revised this summer. There's no link since I had to have a friend email me her copy of it.

As I get more into things I will post what I hope my year will look like and how I plan my units. Until then please share in the comments what documents and curriculum you use to guide your unit planning. 


  1. I recently became employed as a K-8 Spanish teacher. I have two weeks to prep. I was wondering which curriculum you're using. I would greatly appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you.

  2. Hi,

    I use Calico Spanish for my Kinders and 1st grade. For 2nd-5th I write my own curriculum. If you're starting from scratch with little prep time I would recommend using the JCPS framework linked above. They have curriculum maps for each grade level with the vocab and grammar structures included. You have to find your own activities but pinterest is a good place to start. Calico, Basho & Friends, Rockalingua, Senor Wooly are all great video series. Some are free some are not but they're catchy and the kids love them. Genki Spanish has some great games as well. Best of luck to you!
